
Showing posts from November, 2017

BI Jobs in Germany by Industry

For full and interactive report click here Carried out analysis of the BI jobs posted in Data is valid as of 4th Nov 2017. As of today (12th Nov 2017), more than 800 BI jobs have been posted on As of 4th Nov 2017 more than 300 BI jobs in Germany were posted on Interesting to see the split of BI Jobs in Germany by Industry and sub-category. This should not be considered as an Industry trend because jobs are posted randomly on and it does not cover all of the industries equally. Above screenshot does not contain the full set of sub-categories. Author: Anoop Kumar V K Licence Type : CC-BY  (Creative Commons) Data : as of 4th Nov 2017  Tool used : Tableau Public Created Date : 12th Nov 2017 Interactive version -!/vizhome/BIJobs/Story1?publish=yes

IPL - Indian Premier League Data Analysis

 Report by Deepak G S For full and interactive report see Indian Premier League Data Analysis Disclaimer: Posted by Reportpedia admin on behalf of Deepak G S.  Reportpedia has not verified the data or the contents of the analysis.  Terms of Use

Will education rescue you from being Obese?

Author : Vishnu Sekhar  Obesity is a concern and to understand the impact of that concern, CBS reports that globally we spend more money to tackle problems due to Obesity than what we spend on the military. Even though the report was from 2012, I am almost sure that trend will be same and the numbers might have climbed up the ladder. To get a gist of the money involved, we spend  $2.1 trillion to fight obesity and $1.75 trillion on the military. That's a staggering amount of money !!!. The dataset I have analyzed this week as part of MakeoverMonday project is what triggered this article. The dataset was from CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and it showed a statistics from the year of 2011 to 2015 for The United States. I looked at the dataset multiple times to come up with an analysis and this often happens when you have a dataset with no particular ask. I got caught up with work and put this aside even though the dataset was available since Monday. The...

Doing Business 2018 - Reforming to create jobs

World Bank Group has published the Doing Business 2018 - Reforming to create jobs report . Disclaimer: This report and many more such reports are available on the World Bank Group site and  these reports can be downloaded for free from that site. These reports are created by World Bank Group. This post is only to make general public worldwide aware about such a useful source of information. Reportpedia has not contributed to this report.